Kutastha Foundation

New world of learning for everyone!

We continuously measure where people are regarding their capability and knowledge retention and help guide their development in a more targeted way.

Focus Areas


We focus on developing a ā€˜Makerā€™s Mindsetā€™, allowing them to be better at expression.


Career Consulting

We help in overcoming the fear of the unknown and staying prepared for what can come their way.

Inspiring confidence in people to build a better future

The need for FoundationĀ  Education


We create the right environment for ideas to emerge and transform into innovative methodologies. We focus on developing a ā€˜Makerā€™s Mindsetā€™, allowing children to learn problem-solving strategies.

Future Ready

We donā€™t know the future or the changes new technologies will introduce. But we help children overcome the fear of the unknown and stay prepared for what can come their way.


Our programs put children in real-life challenges and focus on ideation, smart solutions to resolve the issues.

Self Reflection

We help children identify their ability to address a challenge based on emotional and functional approach.

The Need for
Foundation Education

Inspiring confidence in people to build a better future

A pedagogy of discovery

A progressive learning that combine engaging content, interactive technology and human touch points.

An iterative process

Design Thinking trains students to apply human-centered techniques for solving problems innovatively and creatively. It develops a way of thinking to ideate innovative and creative solutions for problems they and their peers encounter.

A "solution-based" technique

Design Thinking encourages students to approach problems by putting the user of the product/service at the center, building a connection between the user and the solution.


Ongoing Programs


Design Thinking Bronze Ninja

Creating environments where ideas can connect leading to innovative ways of doing. Develop a ā€œMakerā€™s Mindset" to teach children strategies to solve problems.


Design Thinking Bronze Ninja

Creating environments where ideas can connect leading to innovative ways of doing. Develop a ā€œMakerā€™s Mindset" to teach children strategies to solve problems.

Confidence & Perseverance

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Taking risk & Try again

Use our secure PCI - compliant flat-rare card processing service or bring

Think and ask sessions

Use our secure PCI - compliant flat-rare card processing service or bring